Plant Biased
90+ easy recipes & a beginner's guide to eating a more plant-based diet
This is the Beginner's Guide and cookbook I wish I had when I went plant based back in 2013.
Faith Vandermolen | The Conscientious Eater
I wouldn’t hesitate to say it’s the best [cookbook] I have ever bought and I’ve bought many.
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I honestly can't believe it. I published a vegan cookbook! And it's quite a hefty one too, I might add!
It was over 9 years ago that I decided to go vegan overnight and I SO wish I had access to this book that first morning! I remember staring into the fridge at my greek yogurt thinking, "What on earth can I eat for breakfast?!" Those first few weeks were honestly rough as I had no idea how to cook or bake without animal products.
Since then, however, through lots of experimenting, trial and error and research, eating a plant based diet has become second nature to me!
Now I want to share what I've learned over these last 9 years with YOU.
You can tell right off this cookbook was made with love. It is absolutely gorgeous
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Faith VanderMolen is outstanding in her ability to convey not only her passion and delicious recipes, but also instructions, outlines, guides, examples and suggestions for plant-based beginners.
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FAQ From People Going Plant-Based
This cookbook contains the answers to the most frequently asked questions I've received over the years from friends, family, strangers and of course you guys, my readers! Questions like:
- Why did you go vegan?
- How do you bake without eggs, butter and milk?
- If you don't eat meat, where do you get your protein?
- Is bread vegan? Is chocolate vegan? Is pasta vegan?
- What are your favorite, go-to recipes?
- Are these brownies really vegan? So health-wise it's like I'm eating salad, right??
As I mentioned, this cookbook is hefty. Below I'll share more about what all is included!
Informed, insightful, educational.
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The recipes are laid out easily and the photos are vibrant.
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Over 90 Easy Plant Based Recipes
I've gone through the 500+ recipes on this website and put together over 90 of my all-time faves. These are the recipes that have either received the most enthusiastic feedback from my readers or are ones that I go back to time and time again.
There's a huge variety so you won't have to worry about your culinary life being boring without meat or cheese.
- 21 sweet & savory vegan breakfast recipes
- 25 vegan lunch & dinner recipes
- 7 vegan snack recipes
- 7 vegan bread recipes
- 12 vegan condiment recipes
- 16 vegan dessert recipes
- 8 vegan drink recipes
I purchased this book during the beginning of my plant based journey, and boy did I make a great decision. Faith's book is full of approachable recipes that make a daunting lifestyle change easy.
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Most of the recipes are made with whole foods, but there are lots of fun treats included as well. With these 96 recipes you won't have to worry about going hungry, eating only lettuce everyday, staring into your fridge wondering what to cook, or feeling embarrassed about serving your guests a vegan dish!
Recipes are easy to make. No complicated ingredients.
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HER COOKBOOK is NOT just a cookbook.
It goes so far beyond recipes. There is an incredible amount of thoughtful content that helps one get their bearings in the kitchen as a newby plant-based cook.
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The information provided about a plant based diet is head and shoulders above others I’ve read. What an amazing gift to give to newbies like myself. I highly recommend.
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Vegan Pantry Staples
I've learned that my life becomes a lot easier when I have the right pantry staples on hand. In the Plant Biased, I list out my staple:
- Grains & Legumes
- Nuts & Seeds
- Canned Goods
- Baking Ingredients
- Cooking Ingredients
- Spices & Seasonings
- Oils & Vinegars
- Sauces & Butters and...
- Snacks!
In the meantime, you can find links to some of these pantry items on my Essentials page.
The shopping list of staples along with the equipment required section are incredibly helpful and make the whole experience a stress free one!
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Protein Sources for Vegans
Protein. Protein. PROTEIN!!! It seems like everyone these days is worried about getting enough protein! But the reality is only 3% of Americans are protein deficient. So where is this worry coming from? In PLANT BiASED I share where I think this worry is coming from and what nutrient 97% of American's should be more concerned about.
To help put your mind at ease and give you an idea of where vegans get their protein, I've included 19 of the most common protein sources for vegans and their protein content per serving.
My body began to feel better within the first week.
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Along with all of the bonus material I think this book is well worth the money!
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Vegan Substitute Guide
This vegan cookbook isn't just for beginners. I've included my most commonly used substitutes so that you can veganize any recipe as you expand your repertoire! You'll find perfect vegan substitutes for:
- Milk
- Yogurt / Cream
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Meat
- Butter
I've also included 9 Basic Vegan Substitution Recipes for omelettes, sour cream, ground beef, nacho cheese, heavy cream, ricotta cheese, pulled pork and two kinds of eggs in baking.
If you want to support a person that is changing the world, one healthy person at a time... BUY THIS BOOK!!!
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My Top Plant-Based Books & Plant-Based Documentaries
There were a handful of books and documentaries that inspired me to go vegan overnight and others have given me added fuel for my 9-year journey. I'm always looking for resources to continue my education, so I hope the list of books and documentaries in this book will inspire you to learn more about a plant-based diet as well!
My first year as a vegan I threw out a lot of food, because of terrible recipes. Faith makes recipes you’ll actually enjoy and make again. You can trust Faith, [her recipes are] easy, fast, and most important, delicious!
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What's the Difference between Plant-Based & Vegan?
These terms are mostly interchangeable, but I share the difference Plant Biased and where I stand.
Even if you've been eating plant-based for a while, you are sure to find lots of recipes you'll enjoy making and eating!
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Clickable Table of Contents and Meal Plan
I didn't want this 182-page behemoth of an cookbook to be difficult to navigate. That's why I included clickable links in every section's Table of Contents and in the Meal Plan. You'll easily be able to jump to the different sections and recipes!
I bought the Kindle version and delightedly read through the book in the first two days... I love this resource so much that I also bought the paperback. Wow!
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Plant Biased
90+ easy recipes & a beginner's guide to eating a more plant-based diet
I wish I had this 6 months ago when I started.
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I have made a few things from the book already (looking at you overnight oats), and I can't WAIT to try more.
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If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at faith(at)
I had so much fun creating this cookbook for you guys! I know it will be helpful for anyone wanting to live a more Plant Biased life!