In this post, I share all the details of my first trimester of pregnancy including my food cravings (Chinese food!) the story of how I told Brett, how we told our families, my due date, symptoms, food aversions, and my exercise regime.

Yep. It's true!
I'm 4 months along on Friday and I've been dying to tell you! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook then you already know the news, but it's so nice to openly talk about it on this space now too. In my last post I said I would be MIA for a while due to travel and that was definitely true, but being in the first trimester also had a lot to do with my absence. But we'll get to more details about those three months down below.
To be honest, it's still surreal to me that I have a tiny life growing inside of me...who is already the size of an apple! I was so grateful that while we were in America we were able to have an ultrasound and see our baby and hear the heartbeat. That definitely made it more real.
I know this is a food blog, but I really want to share about my pregnancy along the way as a way to document and keep you guys in the loop. I killed me to not talk about how I was feeling during the past three months or to write about the details of my day in regards to pregnancy. But thankfully now I can be as open as I want!
So let's look back at what the first trimester was like for me and some other fun details!
How I Found Out
We had been trying to get pregnant so it wasn't a complete surprise. I took a test on the day my period was suppose to come and didn't see a second line appear so I threw it away and figured we would just try again next month. But the next time I went to the bathroom I became curious and pulled the strip out of the trash just to double check. There was an ever so faint second line that hadn't been there before. I told Brett that I might be pregnant, but we should probably buy a more legit pregnancy test and try again the next morning.
The next morning, probably due to excitement and nerves, I woke up really early and went to take another test. Not long after, two lines appeared! It was such a weird feeling to know I was pregnant and entering a completely new phase of life, but to also not feel any different physically.
This is a picture I took to document my excitement the day I found out:)
How I Told Brett
After I took the second test, I went back and laid down for a few minutes before excitement forced me to wake Brett up to tell him the good news. He was super groggy, but excited that my suspicions from the day before were confirmed. We laid in bed for a while talking about random pregnancy stuff and the future and prayed for a healthy baby and pregnancy for me.
How Far Along am I?
As of today I am 15 weeks and 4 days along. The baby is the size of an apple!
When Am I Due?
January 21st.
Will We Find Out the Sex?
Yes. We hope that we'll be able to find out here in China, even though it's illegal for doctors to tell parents what sex their baby is (many people want boys, so when they find out they're having a girl, they're more likely to have an abortion). We're hoping that because we're foreigners, they'll tell us. If not, well find out in Thailand at the beginning of October.
Where Will We Have the Baby?
I'm not up for giving birth in China--at least not for my first pregnancy--so in October we'll be flying back to America and we'll be there for about ⅚ months total. We'll mainly be staying at Brett's parent's house in Nashville where we'll have the baby, but before the baby comes, we'll be traveling a lot from there to see friends and family.
Do I Have A Bump?
I've been taking "bump" photos every few weeks, but honestly I still don't look very pregnant, especially in the mornings when the photos below were taken. After a few meals, though, you better believe the belly is popping!
While most people wouldn't be able to tell I'm pregnant, I noticed a change in my body fairly early. My stomach just looked different and around month 2-3 my waist was a little thicker. I'm excited to actually start popping soon!
And sorry if you're seeing more of my bare belly than you wanted to see! I took the first few photos with my shirt lifted and felt like I should just continue for comparison.
Did I Feel Nauseous
The first few weeks after finding out I was pregnant I felt completely normal. I was able to cook, eat all my normal foods and go shopping at the market. But after we got back from our trip to Japan, I remember I was eating my usual chocolate oatmeal and about half way through I started to hate the thought of eating another bite.
From that morning on, the more intense symptoms (exhaustion, nausea, and food aversions) lasted until about week 12/13. I never threw up, but often felt like I could.
All the symptoms below came and went at different times throughout the first trimester. While I remember saying to Brett early on, "I don't really like being pregnant," I don't think my pregnancy has been too bad so far. I'm just not a fan of not feeling like myself or having a lower capacity to get stuff done during the day.
- I had diarrhea the first few weeks after finding out I was pregnant.
- Diarrhea then turned to poor digestion/stomach aches.
- Exhaustion during the mornings.
- Sore boobs.
- Food aversions
- Trouble sleeping some nights.
Food Aversions
Everyone tells you it's gonna happen, but until it does, it's hard to believe that during pregnancy you might start to hate the foods you usually love. I went into pregnancy with an open mind about what I'd eat and nutrition, but I hoped that I would be able to eat my usual whole food, colorful, veggie-filled meals. Well, that lasted for about a month and then the aversions kicked in. I'll be writing a post on my thoughts on intuitive eating/nutrition during pregnancy soon!
But for now, here are some of the foods I had aversions to during the first trimester:
- chocolate
- anything that I had to cook, especially vegetables
- hot, sweet foods (like oatmeal, hot chocolate)
- cereal
- broccoli
- most desserts
- coffee
(Chinese) Food Cravings During First Trimester
Every day and every week was different, but below are some of the foods that I loved during the first trimester!
- Anything cheesy (grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pizza--all these things I had to wait and eat until we were in America)
- cold drinks (ice water, lemonade)
- overnight oats
- toast (avocado toast, pb & J toast, hummus toast)
- white rice
- hummus
- chickpeas
- anything marinara (pizza, pasta, etc.)
- anything crunchy and salty (chips, crackers, pretzels, etc.)
- Frosted mini-wheats (one of the only sweet foods I liked)
- Chinese food (which I basically ate for a week straight, when nothing else sounded good)
- Thai curry
Basically I loved anything salty, spicy and rich with lots of juicy fruit on the side! Sweets definitely haven't sounded good most of my pregnancy, and that's so strange for me as I used to eat 2 sweet meals a day!
I've continued to exercise throughout my pregnancy and it makes me feel so good. During the more intense period of nausea and exhaustion, I just moved my body when I felt up for it and rested when I needed to.
Since then I've found that running with walking breaks every 4 minutes is my jam! I feel like I could run for miles when I run/walk. I'm actually thinking of run/walking a half marathon in November if my body feels up for it.
I also love lifting weights, doing side planks to strengthen my core, and walking.
How We Told Our Family
We were so happy that we were able to go to America for my cousins wedding during the end of my first trimester, because that meant we could tell our families in person. I actually thought I was 7 weeks along when we got to America, but after my doctor's appointment they told me I was 10 weeks!
We told Brett's family, who are in the picture above, first. We actually had a doctors appointment before we arrived at Brett's sister's house and the doctor accidentally called Brett's sister to schedule our ultrasound instead of me. So she found out on accident before anyone else. We told the rest of Brett's family at the dinner table the first night we arrived. Brett started to play a game with our niece and nephews and asked them counting questions like, "How may glasses are on the table?" Then he asked how many people were at the table. They said nine and Brett said, "Nope! You forgot to count Faith twice!" The kids didn't understand at first and neither did Brett's Dad, but the rest of the adults knew what was going on. Once it clicked for Brett's Dad, everyone understood and they were so excited!
We told my family (pictured above) the week after. We had to wait a day and a half until everyone had arrived and then at our first breakfast together I told them I had a present for them. I had them close their eyes and then put our ultrasound pictures in their hands. My sister knew what she was about to see and it was so fun to see everyone's excitement once they saw the photos. It will be my parent's 8th grandchild!
Sorry this was a long post! I've been dying to share more details and now that the word is out, I'm excited to keep you guys updated on how I'm feeling throughout my pregnancy.
I'm finally excited to cook again and have been whipping up a storm ever since we got back from America and our babymoon in Europe. I'll be sharing recaps of all the cities we went to in Europe and hopefully lots more recipes posts in the near future.
Thanks so much for your patience while I've been away!
Cleona says
Congratulations! Contrary to what movies suggest, I reckon that most pregnancies are announced to groggy half asleep husbands. Mine both were, and many friends have told me the same. Who can wait?!
Faith says
Haha I think you're exactly right Cleona!! Thanks for sharing! And two kids...wonderful!
Leilane Barreto says
Congratulations!! I had a big smile on my face while I was reading it!
Faith says
Thanks so much Leilane! I'm so glad you enjoyed this post!
Shirley says
I couldn't stop smiling while reading this post! So happy for you and wish you the best of luck on this beautiful journey!
Faith says
Ah, thanks so much Shirley! We're so excited to enter this new phase of life and I'm excited to keep you all updated!
Dany Dufour says
Félicitations à vous deux ??❣️
Faith says
Thank you so much!
Jennifer T. says
Thank you so much for sharing this exciting news! I'm vegan and also pregnant. I'm only six weeks in, and I don't personally know anyone who's had a vegan pregnancy. It's nice to hear about your experience and feel like there's someone I can look up to. I totally cried reading the part where you told your families. Please please keep posting about your pregnancy!
Faith says
Thank you so much Jennifer! And congratulations to you too...that's so exciting! I hope you've been feeling okay so far and continue to feel good! I'm glad you can relate to my story and my diet and I hope it helps along the way! Be gracious with yourself, especially in the first trimester:)
Jennifer T. says
I could totally relate, especially to the part about having aversions to my usual healthy plant-based meals and having cravings for Chinese (and Thai) food instead. So strange! I worried at first about eating too much oil and not getting enough dark leafy greens and beans, but now I'm trying to eat intuitively like you. I hardly have an appetite on most days, but my days are much easier now that I'm not forcing myself to eat kale and chickpeas.
I wonder why our pregnant bodies react like this. Maybe it has something to do with the first trimester being the most vulnerable for the baby, and our bodies trying to protect us from certain foods?
Faith says
We really have had similar pregnancies! How far along are you? And it really did make me feel so much better when I started eating what sounded good and what would digest good, verses what I thought was healthiest. I don't know why our bodies reject certain foods during the first trimester. I always thought it was just a reaction to all the hormones pulsing through our bodies. It's crazy and exciting though and worth the nausea! Congrats on your pregnancy!
gina says
congratulations!!! As a first time grandma your post made me think back to a year ago and how our life would change in such an awesome way with our granddaughter.
Faith says
Thanks so much Gina! I can't imagine how special that moment was. What fun to have a granddaughter! Thanks for sharing:)
gina m paesani-smith says
it is people like you that have helped me on the is plant based journey so I can be as healthy as possible and be able to keep up with a baby. I have lost 60 pounds and I attribute much of it to being "friends" with people who are like minded. Thank you friend 🙂
Faith says
Gina that's amazing! Thank you for sharing your story!
Barb VanderMolen says
Yay, love hearing the details! Thrilled to be sharing life with you soon!
Faith says
We're thrilled too! Time will fly and we'll be playing pickle ball in Nashville in no time:)
Shauna says
Yay! Loved reading this. Excited to read more about your pregnancy journey ❤
Faith says
So glad you enjoyed it Shauna! Thanks for reading along!
Cassandra says
So happy for you.
Faith says
Thank you so much Cassandra!