It's been ages since I blogged and for good reason. As many of you know, I usually live in China, but having our first baby Harper brought us back to the states for a short amount of time. Our time in the states is coming to an end, so these past few weeks have been spent traveling to visit friends and family. We are done with our travels and will be resting and packing in Houston until we head back to China.
So this week's "What I Ate This Week" post is actually a bunch of random photos from Virginia, Arizona, different restaurants and airports! Before we jump into the food I want to share a few random points:
1.) I am a nibbler. Whenever I'm cooking or helping prepare group meals, I nibble as I go. So these photos don't show everything I eat! I hope to just share different plant-based meal ideas.
2.) While in Arizona I decided to cut back on the amount of dark, leafy greens and cruciferous veggies I was eating. Harper was having gas and dark green poop, so I wanted to see if eating less of those foods would help...and it did! So if you see meals with tons of broccoli or greens, those meals were eaten a while back. Now I'm all about starches and "safe" veggies!
3.) As you can see in the "breakfast" section, oatmeal is a staple breakfast for me. It satisfies me and tastes good. I always travel with a bag of oats and either chia seeds or ground flaxseeds (helps with digestion while traveling), so that way I can eat oatmeal no matter where I am. As you can also see, sometimes I barely add toppings and sometimes I go all out...it just depends on what I have access to or what I am feeling.
4.) I always travel with food. You never know how long things will take and being stuck on a plane without snacks is no fun for me. So lara bars, homemade energy bites, nut butter sachets, fresh fruit, pretzels etc. often travel with me (a.k.a. I carry a large food bag with me wherever I go!)
Okay...let's dig in!
Snacks, Drinks and Desserts:
I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. And I hope you eat lots of delicious, satisfying foods with people you love this week!
Jana says
I'm going to be flying in and out of Phoenix a few times the next few months and that sandwich looks great! Which terminal/vendor did you pick it up at? Thanks! BTW, I love looking at all the beautiful pictures of your food, please keep them coming 🙂
Faith says
Hey Jana! I got the sandwich from Nocawich in Terminal 4! I recommend the whole grain over the sourdough, but both are tasty!
Monika says
Looks delish and gave me ideas for my meals. Is Harper okay when you eat beans? My one month old gets terrible gas pains 🙁 I need to find another source of protein.
Faith says
Glad this post gave you some meal ideas! And beans may give Harper gas...we know cruciferous veggies and dark greens do, but she still gets gasey sometimes so beans could be the culprit!
Astrid says
Thank you Faith for sharing your love.
Faith says
My pleasure Astrid!